Bruce Tedder

Yacht Master Ocean with 18 Atlantic crossings, 2 Indian Ocean crossings and 120 000 sea miles as skipper under his belt. From classic day-sailers on Langebaan lagoon to mega yachts in Antibes and chartering in the BVIs, BWT has the expertise and knowledge to share. In the Boating industry in Cape Town since 1996 he was the founder of the SABBC and the CTBi and was a director and shareholder of the Robben Island Ferry Company.

For any enquiries call Bruce at the office on 021 421 5565 or 082 658 3644.

David de Villiers

MCA Yachtmaster Ocean with commercial endorsement. SAMSA/STCW Commercial skipper, PADI Divemaster.

David’s in depth knowledge and understanding of yachts comes from a lifetime of ‘messing about in boats’. From owning the world famous, 115ft Ocean Adventurer, to 140 000 blue water miles as a professional skipper on the Superyacht circuit, many Catamaran deliveries, live aboard to day sail chartering, countless expeditions. With this practical ‘hands on’ experience, David has a thorough working knowledge of the yachts we offer, and can offer professional advice to suit your needs.

For any enquiries call David on 073 2166447.